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Save marriage

10 Tips on How to Save Your Relationship – The French Relationship Expert

“Alex, could please you tell me how to quickly save my relationship?” As you can see in the different comments at the end of my articles, this is one of the questions that I am asked on a regular basis. That is the reason why I’ve created this website with the goal of... read more

Avoid divorce with these two SIMPLE tools!

The relationship between two people evolves over time. In the beginning, we easily accept the other person’s shortcomings or bad habits, but as time goes on many people end up losing all their patience and these elements become irritating. This is what causes serious... read more

How Can I Write The Best Letter To My Wife?

When things begin to feel tense and confusing in a marriage, it can become very challenging to properly express yourself and tell your wife what is in your heart and on your mind. It’s not uncommon for people to begin to feel like they’re speaking different languages... read more

About Alex

