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How To Satisfy A Man: The 6 Keys For Making Him Happy!

by | October 15th 2019 | 19 comments

When you are asking how to satisfy a man, there are two possible interpretations. Firstly, you might be wondering how to satisfy a man in bed, but you may also be wondering how to satisfy him in terms of being happy on a daily basis in the relationship, which is what I am going to explore in today’s article. At the end of this article, I will share some tips on how to satisfy a man when you’re making love, but for women that want more in-depth information on the subject, I invite you to read this special piece on how to please a man. It will guide you from A to Z. Before you click on the link, make sure you learn about the crucial role of having a psychological connection…

Very often, we hear stereotypes about men and think that they can feel fulfilled by drinking a beer before the game and then having a roll in the hay. In truth, it goes much deeper than that and if you’re reading this article right now, it’s probably because you’re having trouble understanding men’s behavior! So as a coach, I’m not going to bust out the usual clichΓ©s like β€œmen only think about sex,” or, β€œMen never listen and they never talk about their feelings.”
Oftentimes the image that they’re showing you doesn’t match what’s really going on in their heads, but you have to dig a little bit deeper in order to become aware of this. In fact, the primary element of satisfying a man consists of understanding him and not allowing yourself to be wrapped up in clichΓ©s. In this article, I am going to share some well-kept secrets with you about how to connect with the man you love or want to seduce.

How to satisfy a man: Why is it important to know?

If you’re looking for how to satisfy your husband or your boyfriend, it means that you have strong feelings for him, you want to take care of him, and you want to make him happy. You also want to show him that you’re capable of making bringing him joy and how much he means to you.
Sometimes you want to give something back to him. He does something for you and you want to show him how much you appreciate it. Sometimes the reason behind why you’re wondering about how to satisfy a man is that you want to find a way to prove to him that you’re different from all the rest. You have what he’s looking for and you want him to become aware of it!
Not only does this make you special in his eyes and lead to the development of feelings for you, but you’ll also show him that he can count on you and that you want him to be happy. As soon as he realizes this, he’ll understand how much he cares about you and he will let his walls fall. He will no longer be afraid to commitΒ because you will show him that you truly understand him and that you both are on the same page.
I do need to warn you of something… Just because you’re madly in love with him, it doesn’t mean that he should be the only thing on your mind. You should never lose yourself in love because the consequence can be being taken for granted and becoming less attractive. So yes, it’s normal to ask yourself how you can satisfy a man but under no circumstances should you lose yourself. You’ve got to make sure that there is reciprocity because the risk of falling into a one-sided relationship is huge.

Satisfy your man: Why is it so important to never neglect your own wellbeing?!

I have to admit that I started smiling when I chose today’s theme because I know that some women would jump for joy when reading it! I reply to your comments and I often hear women that I coach telling me, β€œAlex why does it always have to be me, or women, who have to do all the work? We always have to know how to please a man, how to satisfy him in bed, and how to make him happy, but where does he come in? Why does he just get to sit back and not do anything?”
Truth be told, these women are right, and there are three main explanations behind this.
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1. Ways to satisfy your man: Human beings don’t know what their own needs are

It’s important to understand that human beings don’t know what they need! This means that if you’re trying to respond to his needs you’re going to forget to create a surprise effect that is in fact very important when it comes to seduction.
I advise each woman that I coach to show her personality as a means to satisfying a man. You must highlight your natural qualities without ever pretending or playing a role because if not, it will come back to bite you in the future!
The person you have in front of you knows more or less what he needs but this can evolve based on your personality. Haven’t you ever heard a man say that he prefers brunettes when you’ve got platinum blond hair? This does not mean that he isn’t attracted to you. If he wasn’t attracted to you, he wouldn’t be sitting in front of you, but his tastes can evolve as a result of what you unveil to him.
And for you ladies, it’s the same thing! How many times have I heard women I’ve dated say that they don’t like to go out with really tall men and I’m over 6’4!

How do you satisfy a man: Everything is a question of connecting emotionally…

There is nothing more important than creating unique complicity between you, sharing belly laughs, and creating an exchange that ensures that your relationship is based on common goals and reciprocity.
We often try to β€œbuy someone’s love” by forgetting that the most important thing is the present moment and the notion of happiness. Reciprocity is essential in love and when you’re asking how to satisfy a man, he should be doing the same exact thing for you.
The most important thing is to ensure that you are happy together when you’re looking for how to please him.
Starting now, ask yourself, β€œWhat would I really like to experience?” and you’ll be able to incorporate your love interest simply by asking yourself β€œHow can I satisfy my man?” By doing so, you’ll show him that you can connect and that you have affinities. From that moment on, he will see you in a different light.

How can I please my man: Remember that if you’re completely won over, the attraction is damaged

As a general rule, men cannot stand women that suffocate them and have an even harder time tolerating women that allow themselves to be won over. Truth be told, there is nothing worse for undoing attraction. One of the biggest risks of focusing too much on how to satisfy a man is losing sight of yourself and making the relationship become the center of your universe.
It is of utmost importance that you avoid this trap because instead of bringing closer to the man you love, it will pull you further apart. Of course, it’s important to give to your partner, but that doesn’t mean that you should lose yourself. Not to mention that there are certain lines that shouldn’t be crossed.
Similarly, when it comes to knowing how to satisfy your man in bed, it’s important that you are also being satisfied. Not only will this turn him on, even more, you can also have fun!
If you give him a gift, for example, I encourage you to respect the β€œ1 for 1” rule without exception. I also suggest that you remain in the same price range. For example, if he offers you a Longchamp bag that costs a few hundred dollars, don’t give him a Montblanc pen that costs five times more.
Whether it’s through your gestures or your behavior, show him that he’s important but don’t make him think that he’s completely won you over. I will explain to you the reason why below.

How to satisfy a man by decoding a paradox!

When you want to satisfy your man, you’ve got to fill his life with joy but to do so, you’ve got to be able to understand his personality.
The good news is that this is the focal point of my philosophy! In my opinion, my profession as a sentimental advisor consists of helping you to analyze all aspects of human beings so that you can create an incredible connection that will revamp your love life like never before!
All men are different, so you’re going to have to accept modifying some of your habits and collective ideas.
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In truth, many women contact me because they don’t understand men and their behavior. When they’re too nice, the men are evasive and when they don’t do anything, the men complain. It isn’t easy to make the right choices under these circumstances…
To know how to satisfy your boyfriend, husband, or love interest, you have to find the sweet spot – the balance between his wants and needs and yours. This means that our interest tends to be sparked when a woman represents a challenge. Both men and women are attracted to everything that does not yet belong to them!
On the other hand, we have emotional needs that deserve being fulfilled and a woman that is too distant or unattainable doesn’t help feed our ego and makes us feel unimportant.
Here is why I highly encourage you to properly understand your man by analyzing this duality and by implementing actions that give him your attention while maintaining your personal life. You don’t want him to think that he’s got you under his thumb.
I am aware of the fact that it’s a challenge to adopt the right behavior, especially when you’re experiencing strong feelings, but if you can master this paradox then you will undoubtedly have the right attitude for satisfying a man.

How to satisfy a guy by being on the same page

During my last conference in Paris a few weeks ago, I placed a huge emphasis on the importance of inspiring your man, especially by being on the same page. When you want to satisfy your partner, I think that it’s imperative to have a shared vision.
β€œA shared vision” is the key for making a man wake up and realize that you’re the woman that he’s always dreamed of. To put it simply, he needs to be able to see his future with you.
You’re going to make him feel that you’re planning your life out in a way that matches his. Show him that one of the greatest strengths of a relationship is heading down the same road together so that you can accomplish positive things on a regular basis.
There is a phrase that I’ve learned here in America and I think it’s fantastic: β€œMy partner in crime.” The meaning of this phrase is simple – it means that you feel supported and motivated to experience a truly fulfilling relationship.

The 4 keys for successfully satisfying a man!

There are essentially four keys to use and master when it comes to knowing how to satisfy a man. It goes without saying that this list can grow and that there is no specific order.
Relationships and attraction must be maintained on a daily basis and when you feel that things are a little bit off in the relationship, it’s crucial that you pinpoint what isn’t working so that you can find an appropriate, long term solution.
The sexual aspect of a relationship and knowing how to sexually please a man are of course important, but there are other factors that take precedence.

1. Focus on happiness instead of love…

Are you wondering how to make him happy? Then there is one thing to keep in mind: Happiness!
You have to ENJOY life instead of wanting to assure yourself that he belongs to you with little disputes or jealous outbursts. To satisfy a man you have to make him feel joy and if you succeed in doing so, I can assure you that he’ll stay by your side.

2. Satisfy him by keeping things fresh on a daily basis

Keeping things fresh and exciting is the best way to avoid falling into a routine. This allows you to inspire one another and to reestablish a stable relationship. Make sure that you’re always being innovative and that your relationship always has a source of originality.
To do so, take a special interest in your partner’s passions, find new activities to do together (or even alone). Don’t be afraid to take action even if your partner is hesitant. Men typically don’t like to step out of their comfort zone!

How to satisfy him in love: Become the best version of yourself

Just because you want to satisfy a guy, you shouldn’t forget about yourself! Don’t ever lose sight of your personal life and always show him that you want to move forward.
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The more you maintain your femme fatale side, (meaning that you remain confident and exciting), the more he will look at you with love, respect, and admiration in his eyes. Know that there is nothing better for reinforcing the love he feels for you.

4. Become closer physically with your man

It is a well-known fact that knowing how to pleasure a man in bed like Aphrodite herself works like a charm. Don’t forget that physical complicity via touch or sex is of utmost importance in a relationship. By the way, if you want to fight off the dreaded routine the first step is to rekindle the flame in the bedroom!
This entails foreplay, a massage, and caressing before you begin to passionately make love. I encourage you to let down your walls, talk about the subject and make it one of the focal points of your relationship. To take it a step further and to give you more information on how to please a guy in bed, I’ve outlined some guidelines below.

How to please a man in bed?

I have to be honest with you ladies. There are not millions of ways how to satisfy him in bed. There are however some rules to follow in order to make this moment incredible.
To satisfy a man sexually, make sure you don’t place pressure on yourself and that you aren’t planning out each move. Spontaneity is often the ingredient that makes all the difference between a woman that knows how to please her man and one that just goes through the motions so that her guy doesn’t stray.
Women actually have more erogenous zones than men do, so touch is actually a bit less important (even though it shouldn’t be neglected). You will turn him on mostly with positions and your attitude.
When you’re asking how to satisfy a guy, don’t be afraid of taking the initiative when you’re in bed and don’t just go through the motions like a robot. If you’re able to be present and clearly excited, you’ll show him that you enjoy sex with him. The more he sees that you’re enjoying him, the more you’re going to feed his ego and excite him, which is exactly what you want to do when you’re wondering how to satisfy a man!
First of all, you’ve got to focus on foreplay as it will determine the tempo of the serious things. Men especially adore oral sex. You’ve got to show him that you enjoy pleasuring him, look into his eye, and say naughty things to him to turn him on. This is what makes the difference between exciting foreplay that clearly shows the way you two feel about each other and boring, monotonous foreplay.
When you are making love, don’t just lay there passively while he’s on top of you. Be active and move sensually as if you were dancing to an exciting rhythm, you can touch yourself at the same time, and you can whisper things that excite him in his ear… especially if you want to show him that he’s pleasuring you.
In order to ignite the desire between you and show your man that you want him and that he’s turning you on, it’s also going to be important to take initiatives like jumping him when he steps out of the shower, waiting for him in something small and lacy when he gets home from work or sending him a steamy text message while he’s at work to increase the anticipation and sexual tension.
All of these things are of course going to make you feel good, but they’re also going to send a very clear message to the man you love. It’s like you’re exclaiming β€œI want to give you pleasure and no one can do it better than me, baby!”
I wish you nothing but the best under the covers and in your relationship!

Your coach for knowing how to satisfy a man,

Alex Cormont


  1. Avatar

    Very informative….Thanks alex! Iv been watching your youtube videos too. It helps!

    • Alex Cormont

      Hi Audrey,
      Thank you! Happy you’ve been watching my videos.

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    Alex, your ebook was super amazing. A lot has changed in my relationship. Which I cannot start counting. I now know the importance of putting myself first. Thanks

    • Alex Cormont

      Hi Felicia,
      This is amazing! Happy you loved my ebook!

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    This is so timely for me. Thank You πŸ˜‰πŸ’

    • Alex Cormont

      You’re welcome. πŸ™‚

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    Thanks Alex, I am Snehal Badgujar from India, the best thing happened to me is that I have a wonderful coach like you ! This article was worth reading. I am definitely gonna apply it in my life. The best thing about it is you just don’t give tips, you clear ‘why’ it is important to do. I liked your approach!

    Simaltaneously I am reading your book and watching your videos too!

    Just wanna say Thank You! πŸ‘

    • Alex Cormont

      Hi Snehal,
      Happy you found my blog and happy you enjoyed this article about how to satisfy a man!

  6. Avatar

    Very nice article.

    Wish I could read about you before.

    Keep doing a nice job

    • Alex Cormont

      Hi Sheila,
      Thank you!! Also, thank you for reading my blog about how to satisfy a man!
      Coach Alex

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    You are indeed the relationship expert!!!. I always read your blogs and watch your you tube ch-anal as much as i can and you are the best coach I have ever seen. i always eager to get your new tips. Thank you so much. keep it up

    • Alex Cormont

      Hi Senait,
      Thank you for reading my blog and happy you like my YouTube channel. πŸ™‚

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    Hi coach Alex, thank you so much for sending me your emails and videos. I am very grateful and appreciate you, knowing you bother to care and give hope to help me. Well I have been traumatized about love. Love gave me so much pains, heartaches and made me broke me & penniless. I thought love is a happy ever after. Dont know what to do. Busy myself by working more hard and moving on. When I think about love, it makes me cry so much. I tried to watch your videos but my mind is blocked about love. Now I dont know what to do.

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    Hello Alex,
    You know everything that i have red in here is merely true but, I guess my case is some what “unique”. Anyway i haven’t tell you that we are Muslim we are not having sex but sometimes we are almost there but we manage to stop because of the notion that it’s a sin doing that without marriage and we have different nationalities, his also very much younger than me but “Alhamdulillah” we do understand each other but in some other aspects of relationship as if i am the one always suffering. But i don’t want him to let go, that is why i got the interest to download your book and read it but i haven’t finish it yet because I’m also busy most of the time i did follow some of the advice that you have said on the book and it works like the one you said ignore him and never make the first move and focus on your self first or love your self before anything else. I want him to feel my woth his too much focusing on his business actually we started as friends even though it’s not allowed on our religion but we are aware of that because were not doing anything against our religion. But time comes that i did feel that I’m beginning to like him and i ask him we should stop seeing each other this is no longer good for us but he doesn’t like he said no goodbye ofcourse even me i don’t like it because i already love him not only like. One thing that is funny both of us has no experience in sex and I’m too old for him we have this strong emotion the feelings where you feel everything is good and you were almost there Mashaallah, May Allah forgive us and we manage to stop because it was forbidden and we end up laughing Alhamdulillah. Sir Alex i am sharing you this but don’t ever criticize my religion please or go against it “we do love our religion and this is our life and one thing more we are also human and as I believe we have only one creator. As a Muslimah we cannot share things like this to anyone because we know what is right and wrong. I chose to reveal it on you because i want to marry this man and i like the way you help people through your advice and how people trust you with their relationships. May Allah bless you and more power to you…

  10. Avatar

    Hi Alex! Merci pour les conseils. Bien recu!πŸ‘ 

    • Alex Cormont

      Merci! πŸ™‚

  11. Avatar

    Thank you for the article

    • Alex Cormont

      Thank you for reading my blog about how to satisfy a man!

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"What if the true definition of love was not what you thought it was?"
It’s time to make your own.

Alex Cormont

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